Thursday, September 28, 2006

Entry 7 : essay 3-Neo Freudians ^ ^"

Among the Neo-Freudians, who were considered to be Freud’s protégés, were Erik Erikson and Alfred Adler who generated theories based on Freud’s earlier studies on human personality and behavior. After they sever ties with Freud, Erik Erikson’s developed theories on the lifelong process of human personality development while Adler developed his theories on the motivation to strive for success called ‘striving for superiority’. Despite the fact that both Neo Freudians proposed their own theories, Erikson’s and Adler’s works are very similar with Freud’s works in many aspects such as the existence of the unconscious, but also different in others such as their focus on the ego rather than the id, which further contributed to the psychoanalytic theory. These new ideas caused a new break-through of understanding in the psychoanalytic field, innovated various new explanations about the human personality and behavior, and served as a basis for later psychologists.


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